About Luxury Cruxx
Founded in 2017, Luxury Cruxx is a platform to serve you with luxury related latest happenings, trends, reports, analytics and forecasts from all over the world. Conceptualised & created by Luxury Connect LLP.
Luxury Cruxx envisions to be the biggest information source to facilitate a single stop learning on the latest in luxury. Targeting to service the rising luxury enthusiasts, keen learners and consumers of luxury goods / services alike, Luxury Cruxx is backed by LCBS, India’s first and only Luxury B School. The platform boasts of especially rich content to satisfy the luxury enthusiast and knowledge seekers thirst for all things luxury. We don’t follow the old fashioned norms that define luxury, we believe in keeping up with the emerging standards which are redefining the art of living.
Luxe Talks Video Series
LuxeTalks is a video and audio knowledge series developed by Luxury Cruxx under the aegis of Luxury Connect, serving its audience with luxury-related updates from around the globe that signify the essence of opulence. The platform boasts all things luxury. Know the best of all about luxury by the Industry experts.
Luxe Talks Audio Series
White Papers & Reports

The Incredible
A complete guide to the mystical Indian luxury paradox
Confused yet fascinated with the mystical Indian luxury market and its consumers?. The book ‘Incredible Indian Luxury Bazaar’, answers all that you may have wondered about this historical yet fast-growing country. Abhaya Gupta takes you through a journey of perhaps the past hundred years of evolution of this market. From the times of the traditional maharaja to the lives of the new maharaja, to the Bollywood era, you will find the journey with anecdotes, facts and figures to make it a nonstop read.